Broad-Beam Ion Milling

posted June 2015

Senior Scientist, Dieter Scholz, spent a day at the SMTA (Surface Mount Technology Association) 2015 Midwest Expo talking with attendees about the advantages of the Broad-Beam Ion Milling. Ion Beam Milling provides an additional level of quality and clarity for critical and difficult-to-prepare samples. It is particularly useful for cross sections of semi-conductor devices, sectioning of soft materials or soft-hard material combinations or materials difficult to chemically etch.

Dieter and Larry Hanke will be presenting a paper,  Microstructure Enhancement Using Ion Beam Milling, at the Microscopy and Microanalysis 2015 Meeting in Portland OR in August.

Contact us or visit our website for more information on Broad-Beam Ion Milling.


ion mill booth


MEE, Inc  is a long- time sponsor of the MN Chapter of ASM International Materials Science Camp for high school students. Thirty students got to spend a day in our laboratory learning about and using scanning electron microscopes, Rockwell hardness testers, microhardness testers and a variety of light microscopes. Three on our staff, Larry, Kurt and Neal, are also camp mentors for the entire week of camp. MEE staff enjoys the time they get to spend with these bright, motivated students and hope the students time spent in our lab gave them a deeper understanding of the field of materials science and engineering principles.




Larry Hanke had another opportunity this past month to talk about the role of metallurgical engineers in fire investigations at a full day seminar for  fire investigators and insurance company representatives sponsored by Whitemore Fire Consultants. Attorneys and engineers presented talks on assembling teams and conducting origin and cause investigations.  Larry’s talk focused on how an engineer with expertise in failure analysis and forensic engineering can be an integral part of an investigative team.  Using standard tools such as Scanning Electron Microscopes  as well as newer tools like laser dimensional scanning the metallurgical engineer can identify structural and property changes in materials aiding in the determination of  the cause or causes of the failure to help assign liability for the damages.







Principal Engineer, Larry Hanke, spoke at the spring seminar of the Wisconsin chapter of the International Association of Arson Investigators (IAAI) on materials analysis for fire investigations The purpose of the presentation was to describe and demonstrate what a metallurgical engineer can add to the investigation of a structural fire or explosion. His presentation included an overview of important principles of metallurgical and materials science,  descriptions of the analytical methods used in finding the modes of failure, and case studies of investigations at MEE where material science has been instrumental in the investigation.

The following image was taken at MEE using a metallographic microscope.

Melting from electrical arcing on corrugated stainless steel tubing perforation

Melting from electrical arcing on corrugated stainless steel tubing perforation




MEE on Facebook

posted June 2015



MEE, Inc. has been in business since 1995 and has captured tens of thousands of images using scanning electron microscopes and light microscopes. Our technical staff has long kept a file of “cool” images which we are sharing on our new Facebook page.  

Like our page and enjoy some interesting and unique images. Facebook posts will be updated on average two to three times a month.